Monday, October 14, 2013

I'm 2 months old!!

Weight: ??  (Wearing 3 month clothing)

Sleeping 6-7 hours at night (10:00 pm till around 5:30)
Being held
kisses from big sisters
mom's milk from a bottle every 2-3 hours (3 oz)
his binkie
having his diaper changed (strange i know) 
bath time
pushing up to standing (with help of course) 

I have always been a happy and content little guy but now I am showing everyone my cute smile! My favorite is when Mom and Dad talk to me, I give them big smiles!

My big sisters love me very much. They are always giving me kisses and telling me i'm going to be okay when I cry.  Abby helps me with my binkie when it falls out of my mouth. Madi can be kind of rough but I know she doesn't mean to, I can't wait till I can wrestle around with her. 

We love this little guy and he is such a perfect addition to our family!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Happy 1 Month Jake!

Hard to believe that my baby boy is a month old already! What a blessing he has been to our family already. He is such a sweet and happy boy.

Weight: Over 9lbs  (Wearing some newborn & 0-3 month clothing)

Sleeping 6-7 hours at night
Being held
kisses from big sisters
mom's milk from a bottle
his binkie

We are so looking forward to all his first holidays and for grammy to retire at the end of the month. 

Jacob's Birth Story

This pregnancy had a lot of ups and downs which made waiting for this little guy to come even harder. I must say that having a planned c-section has a lot of benefits and I was glad to know that no matter what he was going to be here Aug 15th at 11:00 am.

Will and I said goodbye to Madi and Abby and watched as my parents drive down the street. It then hit me that the time had really come and our family of four was no longer. I must say it was a bittersweet feeling but one that was soon replaced with utter excited and butterflies.

We arrived at the hospital right on time and were taken into the recovery room where we began our surgery prep. It was a quiet morning there in the hospital and we were the only ones in this large room with lost of beds, I was grateful for the quiet and the time with Will before I went in for surgery. The nurses started my IV and fitted us with our stylish wardrobe. The Dr was running a little late so Will and I got a sweet moment of reflection of the last 9 months and how much we couldn't wait to meet Jacob. 

I kissed Will goodbye and they wheeled me into the OR. As soon as they wheeled me into the room everything came flooding back and I began to panic a little bit. I knew that everything was going to be okay but I wanted to it over with. I had a student Dr do my spinal which made me nervous but he did a great job (it still hurt though)! Once I was laying down I started to feel sick but they were able to give me something and it passed. At this time Will was able to come in and I was so glad that he was there.

The process seem to take a lot longer this time but this may have been because I was super anxious and wanted it to be over. Will did a amazing job of keeping me calm and taking my mind off of things. It is very strange to lay there and think, "wow someone is digging around in my insides right now." After what seemed like an eternity I felt a huge amount of pressure (which was really uncomfortable) and then I heard it, the most beautiful sound, my Jacob's loud little cry. He was here... and I cried.

Born 11:49- with Dr Barrett

7lbs 2 oz 20 in

Everything went off without a hitch! My Dr did say that she was glad that I didn't have v-bac because I had a thin spot in my uterus. I am so very grateful for God's hand in every part of this process and that we all came out healthy. Once they had me all closed up we headed back to the recovery room for some skin to skin bonding and I got to hold my baby boy for the first time. It is amazing the love that you have for another child, your heart feels like it doubles in size!

The rest of the day was filled with cuddles and new meetings. My parents and Will's Mom, Dad, and sister Caroline came to meet the newest Morris. Such a blessing to have them there and to help us celebrate the arrival of Jacob. We are so blessed!

Special time with Madi & Abby

We wanted to make sure that we had a extra special day planned for Madi & Abby before their new little brother came home to play. We had been talking and praying for baby Jake the whole pregnancy but we really weren't sure if they understood that their little brother was coming to stay. 

The morning before my c-section was "Madi & Abby's day of fun". It started out with family breakfast. These kids love pancakes!

I had to go do blood work in the morning but when we were done with that we took the girls to the library. They love it however i think they enjoy taking the books on and off the shelves more than anything. We asked if they wanted to read the books and they said no. I'm sure they will learn to appreciate the library for the right reasons someday. After that we went for "french fries" which is any fast food place which is a super big treat for them. Then back to the house for a much needed nap (for mom and dad too)!

We ended the evening at Ferrel's! Will and I have never been and we all had a blast! The Dr even said that I could spurge since I had done so well with my gestational diabetes. The girls loved it when they sang and Abby clapped her hand and yelled "Happy Birthday."

At the end of the meal they came over and made everyone in the restaurant yell "congrats" to me! So fun and a great way to spend our last night as four. Next morning was baby day!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Done with Summer!

Dear Summer,
I am done with you... 

I am ready to move on to my favorite time of year and forget all about this awful heat!  I am ready for rainy days, apple cider, pumpkin candles, fall decor, sweat pants, Christmas movies... should I go on, because I really could keep going!

So what do you do when you are sick of summer and stuck inside because your kids have colds (which having a cold in the summer is so lame by the way), you craft of course! Thanks to Pinterest I have had fall/ Halloween crafts on the brain so I decided it was time to begin. 

This is just the start but this is what I have so far. 


Fame (I already had this one laying around)

Halloween scrapbook paper
Halloween silhouettes (I just Googled these)

All you have to do is cut out the silhouettes and glue them to the paper. Once glued, frame!


14" wreath form
3 yds tulle (I wanted black but they didn't have any, so orange it was)
Halloween scrapbook paper

Cut tulle into stripes and tie around the form until it looks full. Cut letters out of cardboard and Mod Podge the scrapbook paper to the letters. Attach ribbon to hang!

** Not sure the wreath is done however... The black flowers I made didn't turn out but I may try again...

Look at my Halloween cuties from last year!!

 I am going to print some of this pics from last Halloween and use them with my other Halloween decorations. May switch them out the following year or I just might keep adding to them, a fun way to remember! 

So, Happy Fall (even though it is Aug and I am sweating while I am typing this). I hope you find some happiness as I did while pretending that fall is here. 

Till next time!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another favorite!

Madi & Abby are girls after my own heart! This week we have a new favorite and a new word... "SHOES"!

Their Grammy bought them Jellies this weekend and I haven't been able to get them off their feet since! Every time we put them on they run around the house and dance. Heaven forbid a shoe were to fall off! If so they run to me saying "shoe, SHOE" until I put it back on their foot.

They crack me up! I can't wait for all the shoe shopping I will be doing my my sweet little girls in the future. It makes me remember all the fabulous shopping trips I have had with my mom, some wonderful memories!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our favorites at 14 months!

It is hard to believe that my baby girls are 14 months old already, well almost 15 months really. I thought it would  be fun to document their current favorite things!

# 1 Talking

 I think it is safe to say that Will should be concerned about our phone bill in the years to come! 

Words we are saying...

Mama                           Abby Only:                   Madi Only:
Dada                             baby                               no :( haha
Hi                                  apple
Uh Oh                           Abby
night night

#2 Bath time!

We can't say bath unless we really mean it around here. They run straight to the gate and to the bathroom. They have a great time until mean old mommy has to wash their hair. Somehow bath isn't as fun once I have to rinse the soap out.

#3 Daddy!

This happens to be one of my favorites as well! It so cute to watch the girl's faces light up when Will comes home from work. They run with arms open saying "dada, dada"! 

So in love with my family!

I hope everyone has a fun St. Patrick's Day! We are going to have corned beef at Grammy and Papa's house. 

Who says you have to be Irish to celebrate! :)